I first saw this on a friend of mine's wall on facebook (link < should be checked out methinks). This a couple of months ago to be exact I believe, but since we are Faster Zombies generally speaking I figured it was about time that I put a link to this^ Zombie-Proof House up. Truthfully, I have no comment on it. How am I supposed to? Riddle me that..
After a piece from Jimmy Plates a year ago regarding the movie about Banksy I figured I'd throw up this link (click Boink) as I figured many of our visitors would find it cool. Enjoy.. In no way is this a clever advertisement for a new(ish) band out of Philly who I support, but they are called Nothing so I suppose it kind of is.. Aren't I clever ;P
For really really low budget (like it better be free) DJ software.. Viola.. I have no clue what I think of this, it's more a mixtape machine where you can't record it.. I mean, you can but that requires far too much thought.. Basically it's useless, but kind of fun.. Sort of like gossiping about celebrities...
Find the #1 song the day you were born.. Obviously I'm old. Older then my parents. Riddle me how? I'm a damn zombie, I adopt parents much like "cool" kids adopt personas while my beloved nerds adopt things that last a bit longer then hammer pants. That said, parachute pants (what a nerd knows them as) have their place as well to be sure. I'm just saying..
Since zombies never die unless our heads are chopped off or what have you, I think in this day of A.D.D. this type of history may catch on.. Click here and enjoy..
It's easier then having been there..
It's awfully late, I'm catering to my own whims.. Deal with it..
What inspired me to put this up was an injury, when injured I listen to a lot of music and make myself busy around my apt. doing chores etc. I also read a lot, particularly back issues of magazines I subscribe to or buy regularly.
I often check out waxpoetics magazine, among others regarding vinyl collecting in a vain hope to expose myself to new stuff I did not think of purchasing (in my epic knowledge ;P) and what have you. I don't think Serge Gainsbourg is a name many of ya'll haven't heard of, but how about this video? This is one of many reasons I appreciate waxpoetics tv... Randomness is glorious occasionally...
Interesting dance moves eh? In regards to any advice on records that are good at soothing an injured body and mind, that is kind of personal I'd say.. If you aren't sure what you want to hear during down times may I suggest two worthwhile musical sources?.. I needed music that provided quality background soundtracks for my busywork and these worked... While both vary in what they provide, so far they have given me a plethora of proper distractions..
Soma FM - A San Fransisco based independent collection of internet radio stations that are also available on the iPhone too as a $5.00 Ap.
Stones Throw Records Podcasts - If you don't know what this is, I'm really not sure what to say, but by all means check it out. Seriously, you haven't heard of this?
Also, I discovered this a LONNNNGGG time ago, it really is in no way relaxing but it is kind of fun to browse through in one's bored times.. I'm not sure it's "cool" and I don't really care, as a kid I loved checking out Red Grooms exhibits, this reminds me of his stuff, only with car parts as dj's.. Introducing UJino Works if ya'll ain't heard of it.. Weird yeah, but look who tf is posting this..
Every single day from now on, we will be keeping all the nerds out there well fed. We thank the 17,000 plus folks who visited us during our hiatus, and the approximately 1,000 of our visitors who have downloaded our "goodies".. Speaking of the hiatus, it's been 9 months and a day.. That said, I love the number 8.. It's got a lucky charm doesn't it? I think I will try to do about 8 posts a week from now on as a minimum number, that'll be 1.14 or so a day.. Maybe we've been up to more then just changing our blog top banner? Check ya tomorrow..
Oh yeah.. One Love's favorite DJ D-Mass's new mixes can be found here..