Thursday, January 21, 2010

Mahru! The S. Korean A.I. robot. Available sometime in the next ten years?

If you haven't seen this before, I'm proud to inform you that in S. Korea they have developed an A.I. robot named Mahru. It can dance, say hello, and do the dishes (see video one).  More so it is supposed to be for sale within a decade or so.  Needless to say this is pretty amazing.  It was developed here, and I hope it really will be for sale soon enough. I feel like we are well closer to the Jetsons as a planet (video two), and should be properly creeped out by what this may imply when we're old foagies (video three).  After the following videos I threw up a couple of young Mahru just for fun..  Enjoy.

Video one:  This gives the basic details

Video two:  The day Rosey the robot gets purchased.

Video three:  Is this where we're headed?  Let's hope not. Although it would make Law & Order even more awesome don't you think? Which human OR robot did it? Btw does anyone else's parents watch way too much L & O or is that just me?

Bonus sh-t!

No more chores, and a robot to test dance moves?  All I have to say is FU-K YEAH(!), but robots are still pretty scary.  Imagine going to get a robot massage and the thing malfunctions, would insurance cover that?  Sexbots?  Let's keep this robot thing PG okay scientists? What if there start to be robot human marriages? We think gay marriage is an issue but that will be a trip.

Before those sort of problems arrive, if they ever do, this development will positively change a lot of things.  Truthfully this human like robot will have far more positive impacts then negative ones to say the least. Robots can go where we cannot, they can save lives and explore in places and conditions we are not able to.  In short, young Mahru is basically going to change everything.

One could go on all day imagining the weird places Mahru (and all of us) might go.




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