Sunday, February 21, 2010

Is anybody out there?!


Is anybody out there?!  
If you build it they will come!  
Now go eat some crumbs!

We're going to interview you!

1.  What's your favorite blog (other then us, duh)?
2.  What do you want to see more of, such as podcasts and downloads, videos, fashion, interviews, DJ shit, news, etc.?
3.  Would you rather eat a crumb or a crumbcake?
4.  Do you tweet?  (If so add us!)

Leave your answers in the comments.  You don't have to register to comment.

Your Zombie


Anonymous said...

1. Nothing in particular. Mostly fashion and gossip blogs.
2. Interviews and podcasts!
3. Crumb?
4. No.

Anonymous said...

1. Matrixsynth
2. More social stuff maybe? love that. A surreal mash podcast (audio or video) of all that shit sounds good.
3.crumbcake dunkers and some joe.
4.I still don't know how that shit works, then again, i don't have a cell phone. Faster Zombie after-future neon digital smoke signals. adjust all compatible technology.

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