Thursday, March 25, 2010

Welcome to Crumbville volume 3. FZ Radio!

Almost a whole week late..  FZ Radio's Welcome to Crumbville volume 3 is here!!!  For those curious about why it is so late, its a bit complicated to explain.  Our Dj on this one, タングステン9 made this by friday.  That much was on time.  Unfortunately, the mixdown sucked (typical for that odd odd man) and it was even weirder then his first two (which if you've heard them is pretty effin weird!) etc. etc.  I sent it back to the lab hoping it would at least stick to a mood.  It came back even more strange, great, and putting it up was then delayed further do to a trip to NYC on my part.  There were also a few obligations involving my grandmother..  I kept thinking we'd get it up but alas it was not possible until now.  Scroll down to see what my G-mom has to say for those mad at how late this mix is.  For the record, this project has A LOT of really rare sh-t (go to town producers out there), some old school classics, some straight up bizarre sh-t, and the usual heavy dose of quotes.  That and a kind of continuos song mode.  Apparently it is designed for "blunt smokin', alcohol drinking at home alone, headphones, car stereos and doppleganger third person quoting.  !?"  Click the pic above..  Enjoy.


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