Hi London... I missed you...
FNORD (<-- haha??)
So, previously I presented a concept that conspiracy theories in art (mostly music) are themselves a conspiracy. The purpose of which is too keep us stupid (haha! cheap shot! I know I know). I previously articulated my opinion that more art should be focused on things that us regular folks can do to change stuff we actually can.
Below is a possibly existent conspiracy (the horrible ipod headphones) THAT WE CAN DEFEAT by wearing good headphones, and not turning them up too f--king far!
In further concepts, what does it mean about us that we say NO to conspiracy theories in arts, then immediately follow that stance with our own theory? It means that we are doing it too. It means that the most obvious things that manipulate us or our opinions are often fought by the very people who profit from doing so. We all live in a world where as R.A.W. says the mafia and the government are kind of interchangeable. Just like us, every time you say one thing and do another, you too are yourself a very small scale conspiracy theory! Sure you look like the average Joe or Jane, but behind the scenes you're a superhero right? You can't be figured out.
We zombies are pro our own theory and anti all others. We sweep all of this under a blanket that says "we know more then you do." Maybe we do. A demonstration of how this works can be found in the following lessons on the music and movie industries... We realize that they are small industries on this planet, but it can be argued that all industries work in a similar fashion. If these two industries do these sorts of things, then maybe they ALL do. That's exactly what I'm implying. Now.. If this post bothers you then think about the OIL, guns, electricity and water businesses. Kind of funny huh? Maybe we aren't really that smart? It is better to approach everything in this world with a sense of humor, of course! But don't forget caution. The rainbow blobs are clever! ;P (I'm trying to talk like a conspiracy freak).
MTV is anti piracy right? They are in the back pocket of the companies that made the videos they got their first big money by showing right?
Maybe not... Maybe so? It looks like perhaps quite a few, not just mtv mind you are playing both sides of this game. Great +__+
How about the movie industry? They are going broke because of piracy right? Sure... Actually ... wait a minute, not exactly. They are making more at the box office then ever. Aren't they anti-piracy? Sort of. It sure looks like they are though. It'll look that way until they find a way to make money off of it.
How about the movie industry? They are going broke because of piracy right? Sure... Actually ... wait a minute, not exactly. They are making more at the box office then ever. Aren't they anti-piracy? Sort of. It sure looks like they are though. It'll look that way until they find a way to make money off of it.
Then it will all be forgot..
I mean, far be it from me to use a piece by Courtney Love, but I'm guessing the film industry will become a complicated soup, just like the almost dead music business did before it gets better. Luckily for them there is a way to make money in the mean time that has already been invented. The truth is that there will be more advertising on the freebees (pirated) and less content. How can they do that? Well......? A better product, cutting out 99% of the middlemen of course! The device below is just the beginning. I've got one like it, and its pretty f--kin sweet! Its faster and better then torrents, more so I don't need another Comcast bill for movies. I got more in HD anytime I want, and pretty soon there'll be even more I predict. Note the "compatibility for with a variety of video formats, including BD-R/RE (BDMV and BDAV modes), AVCHD, DVD+R/+RW, DVD-R/-RW, CD, CD-R/RW (CD-DA format), and JPEG on BD/DVD/CD?? Damn!
When you buy a dvd/blue ray (sh-t even a CD) it has packaging, art work special features etc... Right? Many companies are following that concept into the download world. They do it armed with heavier security but won't care if you pirate it when they can just serve you bette stuff straight at your door. Buy the deluxe editions of downloadable things on iTunes to test this theory, that better downloadable content will be the next "in" thing, or at least the industry thinks so. Imagine a movie that updates its special features or cuts? That's a lil' better then most torrents, lets say they were cheap too... hmm...
Of course they surely know that even their updates security will be defeated, but it won't matter as long as they slowly build, and do so firmly, a distinct two classes of media enjoyment. This cultural imposed snobbery might even be bringing the rental world back to the front?. If I wanted to be grim, I'd say that the entertainment industry will soon be a mass consumption version of rich and poor. It will probably be about as fair as that's ever been. Funny? I know what side I'm on.. Awesome huh?
Not exactly. Let's talk about the entertainment business and organized crime (from piracy to $ laundering to who knows?) in history eh? (<-- for Canadians...) Here is my quick good and bad versions of illegal stuff, starting with the mob in Hollywood, and followed by how bootlegging helped a band.. Word... That song is uhh? But you get my point.
So where doth this leave us? At the end of the second installment... Aren't your bored brain cells happy....
Not exactly. Let's talk about the entertainment business and organized crime (from piracy to $ laundering to who knows?) in history eh? (<-- for Canadians...) Here is my quick good and bad versions of illegal stuff, starting with the mob in Hollywood, and followed by how bootlegging helped a band.. Word... That song is uhh? But you get my point.
Are we just entering much more gigantic Remix Culture?
The story behind this video suggests so.
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