Friday, January 22, 2010

New Sade video and thumbs up recommendation!

This video is pretty cool.  This album should be too and is stirring up quite a buzz (8 out of 10 on pitchfork is pretty good) and not just because its her.  I'm excited to hear it and like this single.  Since its friday and we always put up music videos anyway here's double shot.  The beat is cool too, that's like a bonus.  Although visually, while I like it, it looks like something I've seen before (that movie sucks), or maybe a combo of a couple of them?  Who cares?  Sade is dope.  She can actually sing.




i like Tarsem Singh. I thought "The Fall" was an awesome movie.


Schmootzie said...

"the cell" wasn't you crumb! The fall was pretty good.

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