I find that when I walk down the street with a smile people smile back then smile to the next. Don't look sad. Your frown lines are ugly. Put on a grin. Please.
It will brighten someone's day. A little "nice shirt" or "i'd hit that" doesn't hurt either. Well, the latter might get you slapped. Forget that one. Spread the love, people. It could make the difference and will always put a little extra pep in your step. Even after your morning tea with a shot of whisky.
I'm not asking for teeth. Here, I'll show you how....
-That Girl Em
Wednesday, March 31, 2010
Tuesday, March 30, 2010
Apple Girl
It's the singing and iPhone playing sensation AppleGirl! Watch her sing and play the iPhone to Lady Gaga's Poker Face and Beyonce's Irreplaceable. Thanks to Yoonmee for letting us know about AppleGirl! Yoonmee suspects this might be a viral marketing ploy. Hmmm...
Watch the videos after the jump.
Watch the videos after the jump.
Saturday, March 27, 2010
More Drunk History : Alexander Hamilton w/ Michael Cera and more!
Again... Sorry if you guys have all seen these before but they are classics in my opinion.. I think I used to be the "drunk history guy," seriously, it was a blast telling stories from books I read in university that no one else would usually be interested in.. If only I had relatively famous actors to re-enact my stories. WATCH THESE QUICK YOUTUBE IS SNIPING THEM OUT! Or just go to the Funy or Die website, its a show on HBO. You can google that, I've got to edit the html of all these videos...
Alexander Hamilton's story..
drunk history,
Thursday, March 25, 2010
Nikola Tesla vs. Thomas Edison, Inventor's beef, drunk report.
I'm sure a lot of you have seen these things before, the series "Drunk History" is hilarious. I decided to put this particular episode up because I wanted to highlight the historic battles between inventors. I also put this up because I'm a pretty big Nikola Tesla fan. His ideas about wireless electricity might actually work, and from what I've read quite a few of his patents are gov't property, as in the secret kind.
Do to youtube getting their spot blown up, we had to repost this vid minus our signature video player..
What a tragedy ;P
drunk history,
Nikola Tesla,
Thomas Edison
Welcome to Crumbville volume 3. FZ Radio!
Almost a whole week late.. FZ Radio's Welcome to Crumbville volume 3 is here!!! For those curious about why it is so late, its a bit complicated to explain. Our Dj on this one, タングステン9 made this by friday. That much was on time. Unfortunately, the mixdown sucked (typical for that odd odd man) and it was even weirder then his first two (which if you've heard them is pretty effin weird!) etc. etc. I sent it back to the lab hoping it would at least stick to a mood. It came back even more strange, great, and putting it up was then delayed further do to a trip to NYC on my part. There were also a few obligations involving my grandmother.. I kept thinking we'd get it up but alas it was not possible until now. Scroll down to see what my G-mom has to say for those mad at how late this mix is. For the record, this project has A LOT of really rare sh-t (go to town producers out there), some old school classics, some straight up bizarre sh-t, and the usual heavy dose of quotes. That and a kind of continuos song mode. Apparently it is designed for "blunt smokin', alcohol drinking at home alone, headphones, car stereos and doppleganger third person quoting. !?" Click the pic above.. Enjoy.
welcome to crumbville mixes
Wednesday, March 24, 2010
North Korean Comic books!
While you wait til' after hours for the delayed FZ radio broadcast, why not read a North Korean comic book? If you are more curious read a couple of articles about them here, am here. Click on the Great General above to get reading!
p.s. This Crumbille thing has a Traffic (Steve Winwood's first band) song and Buffalo Stance by Neneh Cherry, on the same mix.. My alter ego and/or doppleganger must be out of his damn mind...
Tuesday, March 23, 2010
R. Crumbville
Since my life is basically Crumbville... I figured it was about time that I did a piece on Robert Crumb. I could write a big piece about all of his different works, and explain the pivotal role he's played in both comic and commercial art, or I could just put up a link to his website. I choose the latter. Us zombies eat your brains folks, we don't do work unless we have to ;P As Rice Cube will tell you, "work is for jerks."
Oh yeah, here's the obligatory video thingy.. The bean effect!!
Oh yeah, here's the obligatory video thingy.. The bean effect!!
FZ Radio News,
Robert Crumb,
Monday, March 22, 2010
after finding a reset button on the back of my modem I am back
Sorry about the lack of posts...I just reset my modem, and did not input any of my client info and magically my internet is working...which proves to me that my isp hates me.
I just had to post that...I mean WTF!?
When I grow up I want to be an ASTRO ZOMBIE!!!
One Love
We are back at it....
1/ Some free tunes while we wait for the next episode of fz radio.
I just had to post that...I mean WTF!?
When I grow up I want to be an ASTRO ZOMBIE!!!
One Love
Saturday, March 20, 2010
Go cry in the corner...
This is Schmootzie's 97 year old grandma. She is super cool! The mix is delayed because Schmootzie and I were in NYC eating crumbs. Sorry y'all. In the meantime, Schmootzie is working hard to deliver the goods.
Listen to the old mixes and read old blog posts. If you don't like this, then go CRY IN THE CORNER!
Listen to the old mixes and read old blog posts. If you don't like this, then go CRY IN THE CORNER!
Thursday, March 18, 2010
Snoop Dogg on Letterman (in case you didn't see it)
Snoop Dogg was on Letterman recently. He read the top 10 list. It was pretty funny.
Wednesday, March 17, 2010
Back Door Man
Just a little question.... how many songs can you think of that make a "back door man" reference?
I'm at 4 without thinking.
-That Girl Em
I'm at 4 without thinking.
-That Girl Em
That Girl Em
Tuesday, March 16, 2010
Facebook more popular then Google? Now there's some buzz
Seriously. Crazy right? Read more here. Not that surprising though, to us at least, since we are obviously the greatest thing ever and usually think of everything before you do. You may have noticed that we have been on facebook for a minute or two AND our blog is hosted by Google, thus we already thought that this might happen. That's how we roll, we also are thinking Pagers need to make a comeback, like that sort-of-funny guy Dennis from 30 Rock said years ago.
Chef Greg, aka Rice Cube's cooking skills. The preview

Yeah... Looks delicious huh? Plus that Rice Cube chef guy sure is a cool bloke. So cool that we've got a cooking show featuring his super chef skills and a reasonable budget, coming soon right here.. FZ is invading your kitchen just like we did your ipod, your wardrobe, and your mental health. Huge shouts to that girl Em for her on the spot reporting at mom tried Myles' pop-up shop in Brooklyn by the way. More from the big apple this weekend. You hope.
p.s. Yo jimmy, yo One Love!!! Hello? Friggin' zombies.. They are tough to do business with, we are too but these two are always eating peoples brains instead of posting. How cliche guys. Get back in front of your computers!
Chef Greg,
This is a photograph of two women descending the infamous Philadelphia Art Museum Steps. Love.
Business Sure is Risky
A couple months ago we posted an interview with MomTried Myles. For the month of March, she has a pop up gallery in Brooklyn, NY. Right there on the corner of Manhattan and Box in Greenpoint. She's got some artwork up for sale. I'm running the shop (conveniently named, BusinessIsRisky) for a couple days. Good times.
Check it.
-That Girl Em
Brooklyn NY,
That Girl Em
Sunday, March 14, 2010
Financial Times fashion?
The Financial Times review of Fashion Week in Paris. Interesting and kind of cool. Click the pictures above (either one) for the report. I didn't expect one of the papers that I read having this type of news, as this is certainly 바나나's subject of expertise. Whatever though, I'll get in on the fashion action. I hope ya'll like the report. I won't lie, I don't know half of the names mentioned, and a lot of it looks damn uncomfortable. Then again fashion is art so it is kind of fun to look at.
Saturday, March 13, 2010
More Wu-Massacre, trailers etc.
Trailers part 1-3, plus added behind the scenes bonus (beacuse everything on earth has a making of these days). I hope this album is good. On with the show. I told you guys I did my homework, oh yeah all of this is directed by Rik Cordero. Not to bad fellas, not too bad... Most of the wu-heads have probably seen these, if not, check em' out.
Wu Massacre
Duck Tales, for absolutely no reason but a suspicion all will appreciate this...
Note: this tiger is from Tailspin, I just like him. He has Zombie spirit. You'll see...
Friday, March 12, 2010
All apologies from Crumbville
바나나, that girl Em, and Schmootzie have all been held up at customs so to speak. Be patient folks, and GET THE GOODIES!!!! Bigger things then we have ever pulled off are soon to come.
One Love Radio is DOPE!
Oh yeah.. the Vinyl Resurrection is Dope too!!!! ;P Next friday we've got another one coming.. Fashion, music, art, miscellaneous madness we've got you covered! Broadcasting live from two (and maybe soon three??) continents! Let them eat crumbs! Crumbs for all!!
One Love Radio is finally here ya'll...This mix has got everything, including a couple of mistakes ;p
but what it doesn't have is a track listing so why don't all you zombies out there try to guess the tracks in the comments section. If anyone gets them all maybe you'll win something.
btw if you like the Zombie girl picture above then check out... Pussy Cat Dolls meets Zombies? sounds like a winner to me!
One Love
One Love,
One Love Radio,
Wu-Massacre album art, crossover marketing, and dope.
Many of you must know that Method Man, Raekwon, and Ghostface Killah of the Wu-Tang Clan have collaborated together on a new album entitled Wu-Massacre. Nice album art, and nice comic/music combo! Five stars! I hope the album is good! More on this soon, as us zombies do our homework.
album art,
Wu Massacre
Thursday, March 11, 2010
Say word...
Interior designer, Gary Hutton, designed this bathroom for a Venice, California loft. I think it looks like a cleaned up version of a nightclub bathroom. It looks nice, but I'm not so impressed.
interior design,
Sunday, March 7, 2010
The Good, the Bad, the Ugly..
Along with the old school music videos, why not throw this in... Thanks to all of you for our google search placement for our moniker, but there is still much to be done. Luckily we stay a bit ahead of the curve to say the least. The vinyl resurrection (scroll down) is on steady rotation over here. Its about to get warm out huh?
Saturday, March 6, 2010
When Bambi meets Godzilla, 1969 Classic
Classic! If you haven't seen this then... Well, you know what to do. I figured folks would like a reminder.
When Bambi meets Godzilla
Rodarte inspired by Asian horror genre
I guess I was living under a rock or something, but I had no idea that Rodarte drew inspiration from Asian horror flicks. Specifically Japanese AND Korean flicks! Watch the following video to learn a bit more about Rodarte and see if you can spot the poster for the Korean movie, "Tale of Two Sisters." Very cool! I definitely like their translation of horror to fashion.
Friday, March 5, 2010
Homophobia on ice...
Figure skater Johnny Weir has come into the spotlight mainly because of questions over his sexuality and how it is interpreted in his choreography. Broadcasters have stated that he should skate against women, not men, and speculated that he lost points due to his costume and body language. I think that the concentration on sexuality and gender regarding figure skating undermines the sport. I've never been super into the Olympics, but figure skating was always of interest. Their is some real beauty and grace in figure skating, but there is also much athleticism. I don't know much about the sport, but you can easily observe flexibility, balance, speed, strength, etc.
Regarding Weir, his choreography and costumes definitely have some flamboyant flair. I don't believe this should undermine his talent although it might have been in his best interest to wear a more conservative costume for the Olympics. Mainly because it IS the Olympics. Although, if everyone was a little more open-minded, perhaps his creativity would be a more welcome addition to the Olympics. While many people watch and enjoy the Olympics, Weir's showmanship and creativity could raise viewership and expand old notions of figure skating being stuffy and boring.
Overall, I give him props. He has an interesting background. Once an equestrian, he had to sell his horse (My Blue Shadow) because of financial issues. He also taught himself how to ice skate on a frozen cornfield by his house. In addition, he designs many of his own costumes and has taught himself Russian and French. I definitely hope he performs in the next Olympics!
Past the jump, watch his performance to Lady Gaga's Poker Face...
2010 Olympics,
figure skating,
Johnny Weir,
The Vinyl Resurrection Show vol. 1, FZ Radio is here! Every Friday! Dope!
Here it is folks, the launch of FZ Radio where every Friday we will be hittin you with a brand new exclusive music mix to download! So stay tuned ya don't wanna miss a beat! The Zombies are music aficionados [some might stretch to say musical wizards??] who knows what audio delights we will dig up for ya?
"First up......i believe that's me" Yep i'm laying down the gauntlet with my first in a regular monthly mix,"The Vinyl Resurrection Show" where i will be diggin through my dusty crates to bring you rare, classic or just down right fonky wax. Yeah that's right, real records on real turntables mixed live, for about 60 minutes, crackles, skips, wack ass baby scratches and all! So remember: the first Friday of every month "The Vinyl Resurrection Show" online and on Faster Zombies.
As this is "episode 1" and a very special moment in all our lives? This is a special mix....
"Yesh Yesh Ya'll" a Disco Rap extravaganza! it's been over 30 years since the first Hip Hop recording, so what better place to start than at the beginning, these are the first ever "Rap" records as we know it today, released between 1979 and 1980, mostly recorded in one take with live musicians on back up, this is how it was done before the "Electro" age and the introduction of the drum machine and sampling which followed a year later.........
jimmy plates,
Vinyl Resurrection
Eminem vs The Govenator....
I had a dream in which Eminem was battling Arnold Swarzenegger (sp) and I woke up to realize I fell asleep in front of the TV and the last battle scene from 8Mile was about to begin.
8Mile did for battle rap what Juice did for battle DJing...
Accept of course they used real rappers in 8Mile and fake DJ's pretending to DJ over what sounds like 45 King Routines...
So why do serious rappers hate 8Mile while DJ's love Juice?
8Mile did for battle rap what Juice did for battle DJing...
Accept of course they used real rappers in 8Mile and fake DJ's pretending to DJ over what sounds like 45 King Routines...
So why do serious rappers hate 8Mile while DJ's love Juice?
Juice the movie,
music culture,
One Love,
Throwback Friday: Get well soon Guru
This weeks Throwback Friday, we pay homage to one of the greatest Hip Hop groups of all time Gangstarr. The D.J./M.C. pairing of DJ Premier and Keith E.E [Guru] shaped the sound of Hip Hop in the 90's kicking off the jazz sampling age with 1990's "Jazz Thing" taken from the soundtrack to Spike Lee's "Mo Better Blues". They continued to bring the "Boom Bap" formulating what is now known as the archetypal "New York Sound" right up to the no nonsense of their last album [to date] "The Ownerz" 2003.
This video is the classic "Words I Manifest" taken from their first album, 1989's "No More Mr Nice Guy".........
Our thoughts go out to Guru and wish him a speedy recovery, as one of my fellow Zombies can tell you, comas ain't no joke. For the latest updates on Guru's condition check D.J. Premiers Blog.
Gifted Unlimited Rhymes Universal we salute you!
-jimmy plates
This video is the classic "Words I Manifest" taken from their first album, 1989's "No More Mr Nice Guy".........
Our thoughts go out to Guru and wish him a speedy recovery, as one of my fellow Zombies can tell you, comas ain't no joke. For the latest updates on Guru's condition check D.J. Premiers Blog.
Gifted Unlimited Rhymes Universal we salute you!
-jimmy plates
hip hop,
Throwback Friday
Thursday, March 4, 2010
ODB, of course I'm rich!
Bad, bad Leroy Brownnnnnn... R.I.P. sir! I had a vision today of doing a post regarding the Ol' Dirty Bastard. I needed to go back to the times when the Wu was a baby, when I first experienced living in the suburbs (like Mars, at least to me) and the city folk started looking at me funny. At least the R3 to R7 / R8 two hour ride to go chill* had a soundtrack.. I listened to the Gravediggaz (which in europe had a crazy a$$ name btw) the Outkast, Nas, Jeru etc. etc etc. and of course the ODB and his clan!!!!!
Jay-Z might have brought the hood to the burbs like he thinks, but the Wu brought something undefinable that (at least in my K.O.P. Abercrombieville ;P ) made a serious impression. If you don't believe me, just watch these. No fancy digital stuff, no theatrics, just ... ummm? Point is, no one will ever be like the ODB again, and that's all that's it. The man was both a founding, and perhaps the most original, member of the Wu.
Kinda different from the endless stream of "behind the scenes" of music video footage, and Macbook-cam beefs huh? Yes, those are actually food stamps, and yes it was 1995...
Rap trivia,
the box
Nude for Thought
Why is it frowned upon to be naked in public?
We all have the same parts. Some of us larger or smaller than others. But I don't get why it's something to be embarrassed of. Or something to keep hidden.
Let's take off our pants and dance in all our nakie glory.
I want to be able to go to any beach in the states and not have tan lines. I want to be able to go to the convenience store and buy my cigarettes in the buff. Well, in the summer at least.
No Service
Let's start small. Have a national naked day. One where we won't have to fear arrest because we left our spanks and tees at home. A day to break in the idea. O and no pointing and laughing. No judging. Please.
I will start the naked revolution
-That Girl Em
That Girl Em
Ready for Spring
Flower Shower...
As much as I try to dress bright and colorful for the winter, I usually end up with my staple grays and blacks. I forced myself to not buy another pair of black boots this winter. I ended up with gray boots instead! Well spring is in the air, so I'll start rocking florals. I love florals because they can be toughened up- whether it's a leather jacket or motorcycle boots- it always looks fresh. Just like Spring! Florals are also very economical. Try vintage and thrift shopping for florals and you'll find out why! Experiment with different floral looks. You can do all sorts of looks: edgy, feminine, cowboy, mod, boho, glam. Email your favorite floral looks to!
As much as I try to dress bright and colorful for the winter, I usually end up with my staple grays and blacks. I forced myself to not buy another pair of black boots this winter. I ended up with gray boots instead! Well spring is in the air, so I'll start rocking florals. I love florals because they can be toughened up- whether it's a leather jacket or motorcycle boots- it always looks fresh. Just like Spring! Florals are also very economical. Try vintage and thrift shopping for florals and you'll find out why! Experiment with different floral looks. You can do all sorts of looks: edgy, feminine, cowboy, mod, boho, glam. Email your favorite floral looks to!
spring trends,
Tuesday, March 2, 2010
I shot up with a free pen from my bank...
Thanks to one of our super cool friends Sid, we found out about this PNC bank pen shaped like a syringe. We don't endorse drug use, but are headed out tomorrow to get our very own syringe pen. Smell ya later...
Hey kids, don't try this at home!
drug paraphenalia,
PNC Bank,
Queen Yu-Na! 김연아
She's Korean! Her coach is Canadian! We love Queen Yu-Na! She recently became a gold medalist with a record breaking score at only 19 years of age. At one point in her career she had to stop skating because of a herniated disk. You can see her performance here. After the jump their is a cool video from NY Times where Yu-Na and her coach discuss how she does her triple lutz triple toe move with cool animations...
2010 Olympics,
Kim Yu-Na,
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